Array 1.9.0

Jun 18, 2020

First, learn how PostHog raised $3M for our open source project. We could not have done it without this community - thank you for all your issues, feedback, usage and support!

So, what have we been doing with the money?

Since last time - AWS marketplace deployment, docusaurus integration, much better testing, a shiny new user sessions view, and see a ton of bug fixes and improvements to our testing. This Array is almost emoji-worthy. Almost.

If you're self hosting and desire these features - update your PostHog.

Release notes

Sessions view

We kept getting requests to group events by user session, so we listened! We're proud to announce this is now merged:

sessions overview

You can then see exactly how a user interacted with your app:

sessions more detail

This should really help with debugging, or just trying to get a detailed view of what users are up to.

Want to try it? Find Sessions under the Events menu on the left hand navigation.

Far better testing

We put a huge amount of work into our tooling this week - to get an overview, see our blog post on Cypress end-to-end tests.

What's new? We:

Docusaurus integration

If you're using Docusaurus for your own docs, there's now a PostHog Docusaurus integration for that!

AWS marketplace - 1-click install

PostHog on AWS Marketplace

You can now install PostHog in just a click or two via AWS' marketplace.

This is just as easy as Heroku and fractionally less expensive!

Management command for millions of events

It's a delight to see another community PR. Thank you Bhavish!

This feature means you can test your PostHog setup at scale. No more guesswork if your server setup is correct.

Set properties to anonymous users

You were already able to set properties on users you had previously identified, but now you can even set properties if the user is anonymous.

This is especially useful for doing a/b testing. Make sure you upgrade posthog-js if you're using it via npm. If you're using the snippet this should automatically work.

Bug fixes and performance improvements

Favorite issue

Blog header design

We had a lot of fun this week thinking about how the PostHog brand looks and feels, and welcomed Lottie - our new designer - to the team!

Weekly round up

From our own blog:

Other cool stuff from around the web:

Share your feedback

We'd love to hear anything you have to say about PostHog, good or bad. As a thank you, we'll share some awesome PostHog merch.

Want to get involved? Email us to schedule a 30 minute call with one of our teams to help us make PostHog even better!

PostHog news

We've had a wonderful two weeks.

The PostHog team is growing - we're now 6 people, both our ability to ship and our product plans are bigger and better than ever.

The seed round we raised is just the start of us making sure we create a full product experimentation platform with you, the community. Now is a great time if you have any ideas for ambitious feature requests to put them into the repo as issues. If you'd like to build something cool with us, we're open to some pair programming - get in touch! :)

Open roles

There are two roles we'd love to talk to you or your friends about:

  • We are looking for a CSS wizard to help work with Lottie on our website and docs overhaul.
  • We're also trying to find a growth engineer. Someone technical that can help us with our own product-led growth.

Ready to find out more?
