Hog is the coolest programming language in the world (we're biased).
It is being used to build our CDP product, which you can follow along with in GitHub.
Note: Hog shouldn't be confused with HogQL, our SQL-like query language used inside PostHog. If you're looking to query data in PostHog, see those docs.
Hog was designed to be syntax-compatible with SQL / HogQL. This means all HogQL expressions work as Hog code.
This compatibility imposes a few key differences comparted to other programming languages:
- Variable assignment in Hog is done with the
operator, as=
are both used for equality comparisons in SQL - You must type out
. Currently&&
raise syntax errors, whereas||
is used as the string concatenation operator. - All arrays in Hog start from index
. Yes, for real. Trust us, we know. However that's how SQL has always worked, so we adopted it. - The easiest way to debug your code is to
the variables in question, and then check the logs.
Hog comments start with //
. You can also use SQL style comments with --
or C++ style multi line blocks with /*
// Hog comments start with //-- You can also use SQL style comments with --/* or C++ style multi lineblocks */
Use :=
to assign a value to a variable because =
is just equals in SQL and HogQL.
// assign 12 to myVarlet myVar := 12myVar := 13myVar := myVar + 1
On top of standard comparisons, like
, ilike
, not like
, and not ilike
let myVar := 12print(myVar = 12 or myVar < 10) // prints trueprint(myVar < 12 and myVar > 12) // prints falselet string := 'mystring'print(string ilike '%str%') // prints true
Compares strings against regex patterns. =~
matches exactly, =~*
matches case insensitively, !~
does not match, and !~*
does not match case insensitively.
print('string' =~ 'i.g$') // trueprint('string' !~ 'i.g$') // falseprint('string' =~* 'I.G$') // true, case insensitiveprint('string' !~* 'I.G$') // false, case insensitive
Supports both dot notation and bracket notation.
Arrays in Hog (and HogQL) are 1-indexed!
let myArray := [1,2,3]print(myArray.2) // prints 2print(myArray[2]) // prints 2
Supports both dot notation and bracket notation.
Tuples in Hog (and HogQL) are 1-indexed!
let myTuple := (1,2,3)print(myTuple.2) // prints 2print(myTuple[2]) // prints 2
You must use single quotes for object keys and values.
let myObject := {'key': 'value'}print(myObject.key) // prints 'value'print(myObject['key']) // prints 'value'print(myObject?.this?.is?.not?.found) // prints 'null'print(myObject?.['this']?.['is']?.not?.found) // prints 'null'
Strings must always start end end with a single quote. Includes f-string support.
let str := 'string'print(str || ' world') // prints 'string world', SQL concatprint(f'hello {str}') // prints 'hello string'print(f'hello {f'{str} world'}') // prints 'hello string world'
Functions and lambdas
Functions are first class variables, just like in JavaScript. You can define them with fun
, or inline as lambdas:
fun addNumbers(num1, num2) {let newNum := num1 + num2return newNum}print(addNumbers(1, 2))let square := (a) -> a * aprint(square(4))
See Hog's standard library for a list of built-in functions.
let a := 3if (a > 0) {print('yes')}
Ternary operations
print(a < 2 ? 'small' : 'big')
let a := nullprint(a ?? 'is null') // prints 'is null'
While loop
let i := 0while(i < 3) {print(i) // prints 0, 1, 2i := i + 1}
For loop
for(let i := 0; i < 3; i := i + 1) {print(i) // prints 0, 1, 2}
For-in loop
let arr = ['banana', 'tomato', 'potato']for (let food in arr) {print(food)}let obj = {'banana': 3, 'tomato': 5, 'potato': 6}for (let food, value in arr) {print(food, value)}
Hog's standard library
Hog's standard library includes the following functions and will expand. To see the the most update-to-date list, check the Python VM's stl/__init__.py
Type conversion
toString(arg: any): string
toUUID(arg: any): UUID
toInt(arg: any): integer
toFloat(arg: any): float
toDate(arg: string | integer): Date
toDateTime(arg: string | integer): DateTime
tuple(...args: any[]): tuple
typeof(arg: any): string
ifNull(value: any, alternative: any)
String functions
print(...args: any[])
concat(...args: string[]): string
match(arg: string, regex: string): boolean
length(arg: string): integer
empty(arg: string): boolean
notEmpty(arg: string): boolean
lower(arg: string): string
upper(arg: string): string
reverse(arg: string): string
trim(arg: string, char?: string): string
trimLeft(arg: string, char?: string): string
trimRight(arg: string, char?: string): string
splitByString(separator: string, str: string, maxParts?: integer): string[]
jsonParse(arg: string): any
jsonStringify(arg: object, indent = 0): string
base64Encode(arg: string): string
base64Decode(arg: string): string
tryBase64Decode(arg: string): string
encodeURLComponent(arg: string): string
decodeURLComponent(arg: string): string
replaceOne(arg: string, needle: string, replacement: string): string
replaceAll(arg: string, needle: string, replacement: string): string
generateUUIDv4(): string
position(haystack: string, needle: string): integer
positionCaseInsensitive(haystack: string, needle: string): integer
Objects and arrays
length(arg: any[] | object): integer
empty(arg: any[] | object): boolean
notEmpty(arg: any[] | object): boolean
keys(arg: any[] | object): string[]
vaues(arg: any[] | object): string[]
indexOf(array: any[], elem: any): integer
has(array: any[], element: any)
arrayPushBack(arr: any[], value: any): any[]
arrayPushFront(arr: any[], value: any): any[]
arrayPopBack(arr: any[]): any[]
arrayPopFront(arr: any[]): any[]
arraySort(arr: any[]): any[]
arrayReverse(arr: any[]): any[]
arrayReverseSort(arr: any[]): any[]
arrayStringConcat(arr: any[], separator?: string): string
arrayMap(callback: (arg: any): any, array: any[]): any[]
arrayFilter(callback: (arg: any): boolean, array: any[]): any[]
arrayExists(callback: (arg: any): boolean, array: any[]): boolean
arraCount(callback: (arg: any): boolean, array: any[]): integer
Date functions
now(): DateTime
toUnixTimestamp(input: DateTime | Date | string, zone?: string): float
fromUnixTimestamp(input: number): DateTime
toUnixTimestampMilli(input: DateTime | Date | string, zone?: string): float
fromUnixTimestampMilli(input: integer | float): DateTime
toTimeZone(input: DateTime, zone: string): DateTime | Date
toDate(input: string | integer | float): Date
toDateTime(input: string | integer | float, zone?: string): DateTime
formatDateTime(input: DateTime, format: string, zone?: string): string
- we use use the ClickHouse formatDateTime syntax.toInt(arg: any): integer
- Convertsarg
to a 64-bit integer. ConvertsDate
s into days from epoch, andDateTime
s into seconds from epochtoFloat(arg: any): float
- Convertsarg
to a 64-bit float. ConvertsDate
s into days from epoch, andDateTime
s into seconds from epochtoDate(arg: string | integer): Date
must be a stringYYYY-MM-DD
or a Unix timestamp in secondstoDateTime(arg: string | integer): DateTime
must be an ISO timestamp string or a Unix timestamp in seconds
Cryptographic functions
md5Hex(arg: string): string
sha256Hex(arg: string): string
sha256HmacChainHex(arg: string[]): string
Running Hog locally
To run Hog, first, you need to clone and set up PostHog locally. The repo has VMs to run the source code and complied bytecode as well as example files. The default VM relies on PostHog's Python dependencies, but we also have a Typescript VM that relies on those dependencies.
Once you have PostHog set up, go into the repo and run bin/hog
with a .hog
cd posthogbin/hog hogvm/__tests__/mandelbrot.hog
You can add the --debug
flag to step through and see the stack trace.
Compiling Hog
You can compile a .hog
file to a .hoge
executable with bin/hoge
bin/hoge hogvm/__tests__/mandelbrot.hog
You can then run the complied .hoge
file automatically with bin/hog
bin/hog hogvm/__tests__/mandelbrot.hoge